The History of Praise Ministries


he original vision of Praise Ministries Family Worship Center began in Orlando, Florida in 1989 where our Founder, the Late Chief Apostle Dr. Shirley E. Henderson, known as Evangelist Shirley E. Henderson, formed a singing group entitled “Shirley Henderson and Praise.”  Apostle Henderson was a gifted musician. While evangelizing in the ministry field, the group travelled with her, ministering to souls through music and fulfilling the commission of Christ.

While in revival, the Lord spoke to Apostle Henderson and told her that “Praise” was no longer a singing group, but a ministry.  In obedience to the call of God to Pastor, Apostle Henderson began organizing the ministry in Orlando, Florida which was formerly known as Praise Ministries Deliverance Center, aka “Praise Ministries”.  The ministry became a beacon for souls young and old and many were healed, delivered and set free. While in Orlando, Pastor Henderson was later ordained Chief Apostle of the ministry.

In November, 1993, while traveling to North Carolina to conduct three separate revivals, the Lord spoke to Apostle Henderson and told her to start “phase two” of the ministry in Raleigh, NC.  Unfamiliar with anyone in Raleigh, Pastor Marguerite Rountree (who was then Evangelist) availed her home and resources in Wilson, NC to assist Apostle Henderson in fulfilling the will of God. However, prior to moving to Raleigh, she organized Project Help, a community outreach ministry designed to help seniors, single parents and low-income individuals, by decorating and refurbishing their homes.

After four years (1997) of traveling from Wilson to Raleigh and holding services at the Oberlin Road YMCA, Apostle Henderson and the ministry ultimately relocated to Raleigh and began enacting Phase II of the ministry. The name of the ministry was then changed to Praise Ministries Family Worship Center. Since its inception in 1997, the ministry has grown and is still growing and fulfilling its God ordained vision.

Apostle Dr. Shirley E. Henderson

Apostle Dr. Shirley E. Henderson

Our Founding Apostle


n 1995, the late Chief Apostle Dr. Shirley E. Henderson (1954-2016), founded and established phase II of Praise Ministries Family Worship Center in Raleigh North Carolina. Charged with the commission to bridge cultural divide and to exceed racial, denominational, and generational barriers, Apostle Henderson birthed a multi-faceted, multi-cultural, Christ-centered, vibrant body of believers with a passion and dedication for Kingdom building.

Apostle Henderson was authentic, anointed and a woman of integrity. Her delivery and style of preaching can be summed up as passionate, spirit-filled, practical and uncompromising. Known in some circles as The General, Apostle Henderson was a dynamic preacher and teacher with a passion and commitment to truth and to God’s people. This dynamic, power packed, faith walking visionary, declared the unadulterated Word of God with exuberance and simplicity in exhibition. She had an unconditional love for God's people and would endure whatever it took to see a soul delivered. Because of her love for the people of God, Apostle Henderson birthed in-reach and outreach ministries that continue serve as tools to advance the Kingdom.

A beloved Pastor to millions around the globe, Apostle Henderson's international preaching and teaching ministry transformed many causing them to reach God's unique purpose and plan for their lives. With the celebrated graduation and transition of Apostle Henderson in the summer of 2016, the vision of Praise Ministries did not transition with her but lives in the hearts of her church members and the leadership.

The vision of Praise Ministries continues to move forward and thrive as we advance the pre-established and ordained agenda set forth by our founder and visionary with a renewed mind and spirit. Praise Ministries Family Worship Center is alive and well and is fully committed to following and supporting the vision.

The Late Pastor Marguerite W. Rountree (1956-2018) was born in Wilson County at the hands of a midwife on May 22, 1956 to Bishop Millus and Nina Williams. Pastor Rountree found her passion and life’s calling in ministry as well as in nurturing and teaching children. She always had a listening ear, powerful wisdom, heart felt honesty and unwavering love.

Pastor Rountree knew as a young girl that she was called to serve and at that time, she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. As a teenager, she heeded the call of God on her life as an Evangelist while a member of the United Holy Church organization under the leadership of Rev. J. D. Brown. To further enhance the call of God on her life, she attended the United Christian College of Seminary earning a degree in Theology.

While fulfilling her call to ministry and raising her two daughters, Pastor Rountree pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Education at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. She was gainfully employed for 25 years in the Wilson and Wake County Public School Systems as an educator of behaviorally and emotionally challenged students.

After several years in ministry with her father, Pastor Rountree and her family became members of Deliverance Temple of Truth (Bishop R. D. Graves) in Rocky Mount, NC where she continued serving in various capacities.

Her relentless pursuit of ministry, prayer and the word of God finally led her to fulfill a mandate of God to assist the late Apostle Shirley E. Henderson with Praise Ministries Family Worship Center, formerly known as Praise Ministries Deliverance Center in Raleigh, NC. She served faithfully in the office of Pastor of Praise Ministries Family Worship Center from 1996 to 2016 when she retired and received the honorary title of Pastor Emeritus.

Pastor Rountree’s faith was a rock on which she and others could stand during any challenge. She remained steadfast and regardless of the situation she believed that praising God was the source of her peace, strength and victory.

She was a motivator to many and was known for her statement, “Feel what you feel…but know what you know.” Pastor Rountree was very astute when it came to understanding the Word of God, and she had the uncanny ability to quote scripture verbatim, tell you where it was found and then expound upon it. Because of that, she was affectionately called by the saints of Praise “God’s Wife”.

On August 30th, 2018, surrounded by family and close friends, Pastor Rountree crossed over from labor to reward as she entered into the everlasting arms and care of the One whom she loved most.

Pastor Marguerite Rountree

Pastor Marguerite Rountree

Pastor Emeritus